From my backyard to your heart

Fireman's Park Niagara Falls Canada

Fireman's Park Niagara Falls Canada
Let's Have a Picnic

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hey there!

Hi to you where ever you're from! Hope you're doing well and aren't getting too stressed out from all this financial upheaval. I'm caught in the whole mess too! Someone said it's kinda like a financial hurricane where some will be untouched and some will be devestated. Well, I guess that's the weather of life. Fickle. I think things will change for the better eventually. I think we can figure out something better than going to work for the sake of getting money to buy what we need. Money screws the whole thing up if you ask me. Well, consider that money thing for a minute and if it makes sense to come up with something better than that then pass the idea forward. Maybe somebody can come up with something! Chow for now!

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A Poem for My Blog-Readers

Space and time
Has brought us together
For a moment or two
And my wish for you
Is Love and Peace
And an end to war
And suffering of
All living things on
This precious planet
Our only one
Speak kindly
Do good
And help if you can
For that is why
We’re here
We are the change
Of hope

My Bird Family

My Bird Family
Baby it's Cold Outside!

Live Love Laugh

Magnolia Tree in May

Magnolia Tree in May
Beautifully Fragrant