Well, the down turn in the economy has meant a lot of changes for a lot of people. It's been a very unsettled year and the decision of where to go from here is mind boggling!
I have to admit I was pretty down and out for the first couple of months after John Deere closed it's doors but now I'm looking forward to a bright new future. I'm taking courses at Mohawk College to become re certified for Medical Laboratory Technology and maybe switch over to Environmental Science after that!
So to any of you who are in a state of unemployed confusion I say the universe is unfolding as it should!
Until next time just keep swimming!

From my backyard to your heart
Fireman's Park Niagara Falls Canada
Let's Have a Picnic
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day 2009!
Happy Earth Day! We're all living on it, may we tred lightly if it's not too late. One days we'll be another layer in the rocks of time. That's just how it goes in the mysterious existence of which we're merely a flash. The earth will continue to be born long after we're gone and in that fact I'll take great comfort.
It won't be long until John Deere closes it's doors for good and the first hundred or so will be gone in a few weeks. I'll miss you all my sisters and brothers that have been my family for the past 11 years. The end of this cycle will bring something new in the next cycle whatever that may be. I welcome the challenges and possibilities ahead. Bring it on!
While I gotcha here I gotta confess the Smops thing was an April Fool's joke! Don't you think it's a good idea though?
Bye for now and Happy Earth Day!
It won't be long until John Deere closes it's doors for good and the first hundred or so will be gone in a few weeks. I'll miss you all my sisters and brothers that have been my family for the past 11 years. The end of this cycle will bring something new in the next cycle whatever that may be. I welcome the challenges and possibilities ahead. Bring it on!
While I gotcha here I gotta confess the Smops thing was an April Fool's joke! Don't you think it's a good idea though?
Bye for now and Happy Earth Day!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Get your Smops Here
I'm selling Smops. That's mops that are socks that you use to mop/dust your floor. Real simple, just put them on and go to town. It makes cleaning the floors fun. Email me for more information.
Bail Out Business Gone Bananas
I say no to bail outs. Especially to car companies. Does it make any sense to bail out the only people working who are working only to make the cars that only they will need to get to work? While the rest of use can't afford a car and have no work to drive it to anyway! Who needs a car??? Where's a darned electric bus that runs on predictible grids and timelines. Oh we can put a guy on the moon alright, but this transportation thing is just beyond us. Families wouldn't have to travel so much if they didn't move away for stupid jobs! If anyone needs financial bailing it's us little poor old working or out of work, enslaved and overtaxed, fine paying, church donating, lawyers' whipping-posts schmucks. And when I said Business, I meant Business. That's all it is. Business. Humans aren't very humane if you ask me. They just like to make money. It's gone bananas I tell you. Bananas.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Blog Interruption
Oh nevermind. Thought I had something to blog there for a minute; Guess not. So, sorry! Carry on.
Hey there!
Hi to you where ever you're from! Hope you're doing well and aren't getting too stressed out from all this financial upheaval. I'm caught in the whole mess too! Someone said it's kinda like a financial hurricane where some will be untouched and some will be devestated. Well, I guess that's the weather of life. Fickle. I think things will change for the better eventually. I think we can figure out something better than going to work for the sake of getting money to buy what we need. Money screws the whole thing up if you ask me. Well, consider that money thing for a minute and if it makes sense to come up with something better than that then pass the idea forward. Maybe somebody can come up with something! Chow for now!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Good 'Ol Sunday Canadian Breakfast
Now if you're Canadian and you're having breakfast on Sunday, there's an excellent chance you're sitting down to our world famous Canadian bacon and eggs with a side of toast and a cup of nice hot coffee - (Preferrably a Timmy's) Anyway, this was as delicious as it looked! Breakfast anyone? I'll take mine Sunny Side Up Thankyou! Toast was made for dunkin'!
Monday, February 16, 2009
It's Family Day!
Happy Family Day!
It's Family Day today and I for one intend to enjoy it with my wonderful family. If you have a family then you have everything you'll ever need in life. Well, yes of course we need food, clean water and air too but issues of the heart are paramount! Seriously, money and possessions mean only mere physical comfort. But to have a family - wow! That's the most important thing. And there are a lot of different families that's for sure! Be it your animal family or adopted family, or foster family, or your family of friends - enjoy your family today! And every day! Love your family and love your neighbour because that's what it's all about!
Let's mold a new reality closer to the heart as Rush would say!
Peace Out!
It's Family Day today and I for one intend to enjoy it with my wonderful family. If you have a family then you have everything you'll ever need in life. Well, yes of course we need food, clean water and air too but issues of the heart are paramount! Seriously, money and possessions mean only mere physical comfort. But to have a family - wow! That's the most important thing. And there are a lot of different families that's for sure! Be it your animal family or adopted family, or foster family, or your family of friends - enjoy your family today! And every day! Love your family and love your neighbour because that's what it's all about!
Let's mold a new reality closer to the heart as Rush would say!
Peace Out!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What a Day to Remember!
It's finally here! I'm watching history unfold as President Obama Elect is about to become President Obama! This is the most exciting event I can remember! The city of Washington is packed with thousands and thousands of people from celebrities to the common folk. It's going to be a very emotional day. I'm already in tears and President Elect Obama hasn't even gotten out of the motorcade yet! Well, I'll blog back at you again after the ceremonies! And the cherry on top of this monumental day is my Oceanic Defense Group on Facebook succeeded in getting Shark fin off the menu at the Golden Lotus Restaurant at the Niagara Falls Casino by all of us calling them last Friday jamming their lines telling them what a barbaric practice it is to harvest shark fin! And we succeeded! As a group we can overcome! And with President Obama being sworn in in about an hour I feel in this world ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Excuse me now as I watch history unfold. God Buddah Allah bless Obama!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
3 Days to President Obama's Inauguration!
3 days and counting to perhaps the most pivotal political day in the history of the world! It feels like Christmas again - only better! The world is in for a change for the better - I can't wait!
President Obama has his work cut out for him, but I'm confident he's got the intelligence and the power to turn this challenging economical time upside down. I'm very worried for the workers in Welland where John Deere will be closed next year. Some have walked away from their houses already and I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep my house or even my car! We need to learn to help everybody who needs it regardless of where they live. I'm glad the haves will have a taste of being have-nots for no other reason but to spur empathy for those who never had.
Well, I'm very optimistic and excited about our future as change is good. We certainly are taking this time to stop and see where we are and where we're going as a 'post-modern' society. I think this economic failing is really the burning and crashing of the Phoenix of greed from which something absolutely grand and green will materialise! I believe it is. And I believe in politics for the first time ever. I'm a Canadian who believes in Obama!
If this is a collective dream we're all having - please don't wake me up!
President Obama has his work cut out for him, but I'm confident he's got the intelligence and the power to turn this challenging economical time upside down. I'm very worried for the workers in Welland where John Deere will be closed next year. Some have walked away from their houses already and I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep my house or even my car! We need to learn to help everybody who needs it regardless of where they live. I'm glad the haves will have a taste of being have-nots for no other reason but to spur empathy for those who never had.
Well, I'm very optimistic and excited about our future as change is good. We certainly are taking this time to stop and see where we are and where we're going as a 'post-modern' society. I think this economic failing is really the burning and crashing of the Phoenix of greed from which something absolutely grand and green will materialise! I believe it is. And I believe in politics for the first time ever. I'm a Canadian who believes in Obama!
If this is a collective dream we're all having - please don't wake me up!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Go Obama Go!
How encouraging to wake up this morning to Obama addressing the nation on the worsening economic crisis. He hasn't officially taken office, yet he's all over the situation! Way to go Obama! Let's hope his stimulus package is passed and there will be relief before it's too late. Who knows maybe he does have Bill Nye and Oprah on his speed dial!
Investing in new jobs, more spending, computerized medical records, high tech education for students, and new alternative energy programs are wisely part of his strategy. I certainly hope the Canadian government is taking notes!
Tomorrow, all of us at John Deere in Welland Ontario will be voting on a settlement package when John Deere closes it's doors and reopens in Saltillo Mexico. It would nothing short of a miracle for this closure to be reversed but in reality I can only hold my breath for all 800 of us that will soon be jobless. If there are any industries out there that are looking for a world class work force and an enormous factory with endless potential, look no further than Welland, Ontario; I'm sure we can fix you up!
Thanks, President Obama, for delivering hope to all Americans and Canadians alike. May your confidence and actions flow across all borders for a better tomorrow. I'm sure 2009 will hold many struggles for all of us but I'm choosing to stay optimistic. God bless those in high places who rise to the challenges by standing up to make changes that will make the difference. Good luck and strong faith to all who will be facing the many difficult battles ahead. Take a deep breath everyone and just keep swimming!
Investing in new jobs, more spending, computerized medical records, high tech education for students, and new alternative energy programs are wisely part of his strategy. I certainly hope the Canadian government is taking notes!
Tomorrow, all of us at John Deere in Welland Ontario will be voting on a settlement package when John Deere closes it's doors and reopens in Saltillo Mexico. It would nothing short of a miracle for this closure to be reversed but in reality I can only hold my breath for all 800 of us that will soon be jobless. If there are any industries out there that are looking for a world class work force and an enormous factory with endless potential, look no further than Welland, Ontario; I'm sure we can fix you up!
Thanks, President Obama, for delivering hope to all Americans and Canadians alike. May your confidence and actions flow across all borders for a better tomorrow. I'm sure 2009 will hold many struggles for all of us but I'm choosing to stay optimistic. God bless those in high places who rise to the challenges by standing up to make changes that will make the difference. Good luck and strong faith to all who will be facing the many difficult battles ahead. Take a deep breath everyone and just keep swimming!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy 2009?
Hi there and Happy 2009 (I hope). Should be an interesting one! I'm looking forward to seeing President Elect Obama take office in a few days. He'll definitely be a breath of fresh air in much contrast to the shoe dodging George W. Bush! Then we'll sort through all the hullabaloo in the Canadian politics here at home. Just a few months ago when we all headed to the polls I did my homework and researched the parties' platforms and voted for Elizabeth May of the Green Party. The PC's won by a slim margin. Now a coalition government consisting of all the 'other parties' EXCEPT the Green Party may take over. Now I ask you, is this a democracy? I voted GREEN damn it! GREEN! So did my Mother, so did the guy next to me on the train; So my question is - Where are the GREENs in this so called democracy?
This may be a little 'out there' and I've had plenty of crazy ideas, but why can't we vote on the issues instead of the parties? If David Suzuki, Stephen Hawkins, Obama, Oprah and Bill Nye the Science Guy put their heads together I'm sure they could come up with something. Maybe then we could head off the impending catastrophic loss of life, land and species that seems to be looming on the not so distant horizon. Most Canadians have telephones so when there's possible solutions to the countries problems why can't we do essentially the same thing we do when we want to vote for Jason Hobart on Canadian Idol? And for those who don't have a telephone or fingers to dial they can still lick a stamp and send in their vote by Canada Post! If you want to get high tech about it we could vote online! Now you're talking Democracy baby! We could vote on things like how to help those out of work or whether we should get our ass over to Gaza or Darfor or New Orleans when all sh*t is hitting the fan or take a vote to get Shark Fin off the menu at the Golden Lotus Restaurant here in Niagara Falls! What year is this anyway...2009 you say? The barbaric practice of cutting off sharks' fins and throwing them back to drown a painful death makes my think we still gotta be in the stone age.
Well, on a happier note, I did find a Jack Laline juicer and it is fantastic! I'm going to try to hit the gym more often and give up some unhealthy vices as I'm thinking 2009 will be the year of hope. Let's hope Obama can make a difference and carry on where JFK left off and head off this impending Depression. Let's hope whoever takes power in Canada will take the reigns and do the same. Let's hope we all live a greener Earth by reducing waste at the source like shopping at The Bulk Barn, using reusable bags when shopping, composting and for heavens sake let's hope we get Shark fin off the menu the world over!
Peace, Love and Hope for 2009!
Finally! Something worth blogging about!
This may be a little 'out there' and I've had plenty of crazy ideas, but why can't we vote on the issues instead of the parties? If David Suzuki, Stephen Hawkins, Obama, Oprah and Bill Nye the Science Guy put their heads together I'm sure they could come up with something. Maybe then we could head off the impending catastrophic loss of life, land and species that seems to be looming on the not so distant horizon. Most Canadians have telephones so when there's possible solutions to the countries problems why can't we do essentially the same thing we do when we want to vote for Jason Hobart on Canadian Idol? And for those who don't have a telephone or fingers to dial they can still lick a stamp and send in their vote by Canada Post! If you want to get high tech about it we could vote online! Now you're talking Democracy baby! We could vote on things like how to help those out of work or whether we should get our ass over to Gaza or Darfor or New Orleans when all sh*t is hitting the fan or take a vote to get Shark Fin off the menu at the Golden Lotus Restaurant here in Niagara Falls! What year is this anyway...2009 you say? The barbaric practice of cutting off sharks' fins and throwing them back to drown a painful death makes my think we still gotta be in the stone age.
Well, on a happier note, I did find a Jack Laline juicer and it is fantastic! I'm going to try to hit the gym more often and give up some unhealthy vices as I'm thinking 2009 will be the year of hope. Let's hope Obama can make a difference and carry on where JFK left off and head off this impending Depression. Let's hope whoever takes power in Canada will take the reigns and do the same. Let's hope we all live a greener Earth by reducing waste at the source like shopping at The Bulk Barn, using reusable bags when shopping, composting and for heavens sake let's hope we get Shark fin off the menu the world over!
Peace, Love and Hope for 2009!
Finally! Something worth blogging about!
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A Poem for My Blog-Readers
Space and time
Has brought us together
For a moment or two
And my wish for you
Is Love and Peace
And an end to war
And suffering of
All living things on
This precious planet
Our only one
Speak kindly
Do good
And help if you can
For that is why
We’re here
We are the change
Of hope
Has brought us together
For a moment or two
And my wish for you
Is Love and Peace
And an end to war
And suffering of
All living things on
This precious planet
Our only one
Speak kindly
Do good
And help if you can
For that is why
We’re here
We are the change
Of hope
My Bird Family
Baby it's Cold Outside!
Live Love Laugh
Magnolia Tree in May

Beautifully Fragrant